I start teaching 2nd grade on the 22nd of August, which meant I had to leave Maryland early and come out to Utah to get everything in the classroom all set up and attend training and meetings. That left us no choice but to have me drive out while Andrew finished his internship.... :(
Andrew's sweet grandma drove with me from MD to Colorado to make sure I would get there okay. It was fun having her to talk with and keep me awake! We listened to an exciting mystery book on tape which kept us wanting to be in the car to know what was going to happen next. Luckily we had plenty of time to listen to the whole thing on our 25 hour road trip. Getting to Colorado was nice because we stayed there one night and got to rest up for the next big drive. Grandma went to Montana to visit her brother, while my mom and cutie pie nephew packed up to go to Utah!
Things didn't go exactly as I had planned in Colorado...my car was full of clothes and wedding presents from DC, so we wanted to hook up a trailer to the back of my car in Colorado to drive out all the wedding presents from Colorado to Utah. Unfortunately, ford explorers are not compatible to hook up a trailer to for some reason, nor any other stinkin moving truck company. Our only option left was to rent a 14 foot moving truck and tow the explorer on the back of the truck. Not only was it expensive, but it was SO long! I was so nervous to drive it. Look at this thing!!!

We left CO springs at 7 in the morning and got to Utah at 7 at night.....it was the longest and maybe even in the worst 12 hours of my life. I don't think I have done anything harder in my life! It was pretty windy and all I could see in my side mirrors was the trailer kind of swaying back and forth!! Luckily we all made it alive :)
I am SO thankful my mom came out with me. I don't know how I could have done everything that needed to be done without her. We woke up at 6 in the morning and went to bed at 1 in the morning usually every night. Setting up an apartment is kind of hard with moving everything in, but on top of that I had to set up my classroom and go to meetings! My mom did such a great job with my classroom, it looks amazing mostly because of her! (pictures of the apartment and classroom to come soon!) My mom and Ethan left today, so it is so quiet in my apartment all by myself. I've missed Andrew so much and can't wait for these next 10 days to go by so we get to be together again! It has definitely not been fun being away from eachother for 3 weeks, especially as newlyweds, but we are grateful he was able to stay and work and make more money for us and pay for all the expenses it took to get out here. I'm glad I have such a hard workin hubby!! With all the technology we have now, atleast we get to video chat and virtually see eachother! hoping the next 10 days go by fast!!!