Sunday, September 4, 2011

Our first apartment!

Our apartment finally feels like home for us, now that we got all our moving boxes and suitcases and everything put away.  Our apartment is so big so we still need to fill some wall space, but that will come later.  Right now we are just happy to have a nice and cozy place for the two of us!

living room!
so glad we have a nice fireplace for the winter :)

dining room table


Our bedroom is so huge!  There is just a huge open space, the size of another bedroom back by our dressers. 

This is our washer and dryer.  Haha, I have never even seen a 2-in-1 washer dryer before.  I used to not mind doing laundry, but I can't stand doing laundry in this machine.  It is SO tiny!! We can fit about 5 or 6 shirts in here at once.  When we wash towels, we can only wash 2 at a time!  It takes like 2 hours to dry our clothes annoying!  I guess the only good thing about it is not having to switch the washed clothes to the dryer since its combined.

 office/guest bedroom.  Visitors are welcome anytime!!!


We love our first apartment!!! Come visit us :)