living room!
so glad we have a nice fireplace for the winter :)
Our bedroom is so huge! There is just a huge open space, the size of another bedroom back by our dressers.
This is our washer and dryer. Haha, I have never even seen a 2-in-1 washer dryer before. I used to not mind doing laundry, but I can't stand doing laundry in this machine. It is SO tiny!! We can fit about 5 or 6 shirts in here at once. When we wash towels, we can only wash 2 at a time! It takes like 2 hours to dry our clothes annoying! I guess the only good thing about it is not having to switch the washed clothes to the dryer since its combined.
office/guest bedroom. Visitors are welcome anytime!!!
We love our first apartment!!! Come visit us :)