I've been thinking about writing a post about this for awhile now. I've gone back and forth if I wanted to write how I feel or just let it go, but it has still been on my mind and I wanted to write how I feel to remember this stage of our life 10+ years down the road.
Andrew started working as a healthcare consultant at the Utah Valley hospital which was very convenient since we lived so close. But then he had an amazing opportunity to work with other clients on the east coast in July of 2013, where he would have to travel weekly M-F since we had just bought a house and I was still teaching. Since then, he has had so much more exposure and recognition from several VP's (even a spot bonus from one of them!) of the company that he might not have gotten if he had stayed working in Utah.
Has it been easy with him traveling? Absolutely not! It is so hard. I miss him so much during the week and often find myself complaining, but I remember the importance of our eternal marriage and we've been strengthened because of it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Couldn't be more true. All throughout the week we look forward to spending the weekends together. And let me tell you, our weekends together are way too short, but regardless, very well spent. We treasure the time we get to spend and don't take it for granted.
One thing that has really surprised me is how critical people are. Honestly, I don't care if YOU could never do what we are doing. That is what I hear all the time from people. "I could never do that, I need my husband WAY too much." Really? Like I don't need my husband either? I do, but I learned to toughen up and face this challenge. My parents taught me to be independent and also to be okay during hard times. Another thing people have said to me is that it doesn't seem like we are making family a priority and this isn't a good way to make a marriage last. Thanks for the tip people. I think we'll be just fine! :) Andrew and I have talked about how we want to make sacrifices early on in our marriage to make the best life possible for our FAMILY. People really have no idea either and should just mind their own business before judging others. On a little more personal note, when Andrew and I were talking through and making the decision if we should have him travel or not, my patriarchal blessing was the first thing that came to my mind. It was a really comforting and spiritual experience for us, especially me, at the time to see something happen that I knew was supposed to happen in my life. It talks a lot about my husband but in particular it says, "You will be separated from each other for short periods of time. Continue to communicate, strengthen and support each other during these times. Pray with all the sincerity of your hearts for protection and guidance for each other." And that's what we do. And that's why I get so offended when people tell me that this isn't a way to make a marriage last. I agree it isn't ideal, and I also agree that perhaps weak marriages might fail because of it. However, this was in our plan and we are grateful for this challenge. It still gives me chills because it is just further confirmation to me that I not only wanted to marry Andrew, but he was the man I was supposed to marry.

I'm grateful for my friends and family who have helped and supported us during this time and lifted us up. I can't even count the times I call my mom and sister throughout the week! It also makes me happy when I hear people say that their spouse had to travel early in their marriage too and how it changed them for the better. I appreciate Andrew so much and am so grateful for how hard he works. He tells me all the time that he does this for me. He tries to work so hard to provide me with a life I have always wanted. What a guy, he is the absolute best.