We haven't ever sent out any Christmas cards since it's just us in our little family, but we still love to look back on all the things that happened each year. As cliché as it sounds, it seems like every year just continues to get better and better than the last, which sometimes I don't even know how that is possible. Along with the good, each year also brings new trials and situations but they are always much easier to tackle when you have your best friend as your husband to lean on.
As we look back on 2014, there were so many good things that happened to us but also some hard, really hard. I think it's important for us to look at how we overcame the hard things in life. Obviously our hardship this year was all the traveling Andrew did. We had to make the sacrifice early on so that it would make a difference in his career and our future life. We only got to spend the weekends together which made us really have to cherish that time together. But when we think about the hard things in life, it seems like there is way more good that totally outweighs the hard! In no particular order our top 5 bests of 2014 included:
*Celebrating our 3-year anniversary in the beautiful Bali. Never would have thought we would have been lucky enough to travel somewhere so awesome this early into our marriage but that was one perk from Andrew traveling. We hardly had to pay anything for that trip.
*Living in and selling our 1st house in Utah. Even though we loved that house and didn't really want to get rid of it, we were so lucky to have sold our house so easily on KSL right when we needed to without any hassles and without having to pay any realtor fees. The lady who bought our house called me to ask if she could come look at it, looked around for 10 minutes, and then put an offer on the house!
*Andrew continued to excel in his career (no surprise there)! He managed to travel every single week sometimes taking the red eye flight on Sunday nights and other times leaving at 4 AM on Mondays. Don't know how he did it every week without being a zombie on Monday's, he's pretty amazing. He started the year traveling to Massachusetts, then Maine, then Florida, Chicago, and also Detroit. Everyone wanted him to help out with all the clients! He's so good at what he does!
Because he was working in Florida for so long I was able to visit him while he was there which was also really fun.
*I finished my 3rd year teaching. My first graders definitely taught me a lot about patience :) (especially at the beginning of the year when they were so little) but it was a great year, mostly because I was still able to teach with my good friend Caitlin. After thinking though, I decided to stop teaching and continue on with my education to pursue nursing. I took 3 prereqs in the fall and started applying to nursing schools.
*It's hard to sum a year of great things into just a few bullet points, but our health has been a huge blessing. We would never have been able to do all the things we do on a daily basis if we weren't as healthy as we are. Neither of us ever really get sick (knocking on wood right now) besides minor sickness like colds every once in awhile. Because we are both so healthy and active it allows us to do so many fun things. Can't even count how many weekends we spent going golfing, hiking, bike riding, walks with Bryant, skiing, running, lifting weights, going shooting, playing lacrosse, etc. Our weekend activities, as uneventful as they might have seemed, were some of my favorite memories from the year because it was time spent with each other and what we looked forward to every single week.
We are so blessed for this life we live! Excited to see what this next year will be like for us. Moving, school, work, travel.