Nursing school was the hardest year of my entire life. I still don't know how I was able to get everything done and finish ha. It all feels like a nightmare :) 58 credit hours in 3 semesters is not for the weak. All that matters though is that I finished, and I actually did really well! I made the best friends and got the BEST job out of it! Couldn't be happier with my decision to go back!
So very thankful for my sweet Andrew to help me through it all. I was out of work for the year before doing prereqs and the year of school while he paid for everything, let me vent and talk all things medical to him for the entire year, let me practice assessment skills on him and also helped me study for so many tests. He knows quite a lot about the heart, lungs, brain, and rest of the body now! Now poor guy, all he hears me talk about is my NICU babies-- haha love you so much Andrew!
After my honor society induction
The day before graduation was our pinning & award ceremony and Blessing of the Hands which is a tradition they do to bless our hands that will be used to take care of so many people. I was surprised to get the award of outstanding nursing student!
^ My birthday/graduation present from my father-in-law! Love it!!

^ This lady, Beatrice, is incredible! Finished this program at 50 years old with 2 younger girls!
^ celebrating the best mother on Mother's Day!
To celebrate graduation, my girlfriends and I road tripped to Savannah, Georgia to relax at Tybee Island beach! Although we only stayed for 2 days and 1 night, it was such a fun and much needed celebratory getaway together!
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