Is it too late to post about Christmas?! ha ha. We can never seem to keep up with this thing! We had a great Christmas break with our east coast family. It was so good to spend time with them! The only downside to having a long break from work is coming home and getting back into the swing of things!
Here's some highlights from our break:
Visiting the beautiful DC temple lights. This place always brings back the best memories from our wedding day (almost 2 years ago!) Hard to believe it's already been almost 2 years but it's true what they say--time flies when you are having fun! And it's impossible not to have fun when you are married to your best friend!
Getting to see the little bro-in-law after serving his mission in Africa for 2 years!
Christmas Eve party at the Carvers--getting to spend time with our cute nieces and nephew!
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having fun with Uncle Andrew! |
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Christmas Eve party |
Spending Christmas day with all of our family! Especially this cute girl. Can't get enough of her!!!
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seriously---cutest face!! |
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2nd married Christmas together :) |
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So lucky my mother-in-law has great taste!! She spoiled me with the cutest new Coach watch that I love so much! |
Christmas White Elephant exchange at Grandma's with the entire family
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playing with our Nerf gun we got for the White Elephant exchange--my husband is a kid at heart :) |
Since the entire family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) was in town we took advantage of taking some family pictures together.
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love him to pieces |
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all of us kids! |
After family pictures we went out to eat lunch at a yummy Indian buffet. The owner challenged me to a game of tic-tac-toe twice....unfortunately I lost both times :( Somehow I managed to still earn free ice cream from him to take home!
Had a great time celebrating Kerry's birthday at Dave & Busters!
This was one of my favorite gifts. I am terrible at writing in a journal. No matter how many times I try, I always seem to stop and never keep with it. I wish I was better at it. Our Aunt Nicole gave us all this for Christmas and I love it! It is a journal where you just write a few lines per day. It is a 5 year journal so next year I will go back to the same day and write what I was up to that day. I am so excited to see the changes between the years as I write!
We had a great time in DC but it was nice to come home, unpack, relax, and spend the last few days of our break together before having to go back to work!
Ringin' in another new year together!
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celebrating with some Martinelli's :) |
We kicked off our new year in the best way possible...a great day spent skiing at Snowbird and then dinner & dessert at the Cheesecake factory!
Ya know those stories that shouldn't be funny but actually kind of are?! This is one of them!
Awhile back our landlords who live upstairs half of the month said they had caught a mouse and to keep our eyes out for any. It had been awhile and we hadn't so we just went about our ways. After awhile, Andrew kept thinking he saw things in our living room but was never really sure about it.
One night Andrew was playing Halo in the living room and I was watching a show in our bedroom. Andrew comes running in and says, "YOU HAVE TO PAUSE IT RIGHT NOW!!" I went out to the living room and he swore he had seen a mouse dash across the living room floor. GAG. I kind of freaked out because I hate bugs and rodents of all kinds! He thought it went under the couch so we lifted it up and sure enough out runs the little gray mouse. My first thought was to run and shut all the rest of the doors so it couldn't get anywhere else. When I came back Andrew had his lacrosse stick out hoping to catch it! haha. We got out the trusty peanut butter and a slice of cheese and set the trap. After a few hours it still wasn't trapped, so we had to go to bed for work the next day! I don't know how I went to sleep knowing a mouse was somewhere and not trapped. When I woke up for work and went to get breakfast, I looked at the trap and still there was nothing! Luckily about 10 minutes after I got to work Andrew sent me a picture of the dead mouse trapped :) hallelujah! He said he heard it snap so I was glad I wasn't home to hear it and have to clean it up! We've had a trap set in the same spot ever since then and luckily no more mice! (knock on wood!!)
One day we were walking in Sam's Club and came across a juicer and Andrew said he wanted to get it. I was hesitant at first trying to think if we really needed one or if we would even really use it. Since I am not a vegetable fan really, I figured it would be good for us to get this and try it out! We have LOVED it!! Andrew is the juicing king and creates all sorts of delicious juice. And now I'm getting the nutrients from all these veggies I never ate :)
We've been watching lots of movies! Something about this cold weather makes cuddling up for a movie so much more enjoyable.
On February 1st, we celebrated 3 years of dating! Since that day, I realized I couldn't go a day without being with him.
Andrew is such a hard worker. I'm so proud of him for how well he is doing in his job. So thankful that he will always be able to support and provide for our family. He spent a week training people in St. George a few weeks ago. When he came back, he surprised me with all these cute Polo shirts! I'm lucky I have a man that has such great taste!! That's something I've always loved about him. He always dresses so nice. If these are the kinds of things I'll get when he gets home from business trips, maybe he should go more often! haha jk!! I had the most boring week without him. Life is no where near as fun when he isn't around.
Working full time has made us really appreciate the weekends! Saturdays are our favorite day because we spend the whole day together!
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just enjoying our unlimited French toast at Magleby's ...mmmm! |
Life is so good for us right now! We are staying busy with work but loving the time we get to spend together after and on the weekends and can't wait for our upcoming vacation to Costa Rica in less than 2 months!!
i love that journal! that makes me want one. you guys are just so cute :)