Wednesday, December 6, 2017


It's true! After 6 years of marriage, we decided it's finally baby time and we could not be more excited! We were so so blessed to get pregnant the first month we tried because I know so many women struggle with infertility.

Edit: (written after having Reagan because I never finished the blog post 😜) 
I LOVED being pregnant!!! I had a really easy pregnancy which definitely helped and was able to continue working til the end. I didn't have any morning sickness, but I just felt hungry all the time my first trimester. I didn't start showing until around 23 weeks. Some people at work couldn't quite see anything until around 25 weeks but I could! Once my belly popped though it was so fun to see my belly grow each day and feel all of her movements and hiccups on a daily basis. I'm so blessed to be her momma! 

Took this pic right after finding out I was pregnant!!! I kept telling Andrew before this that I was "with child" lol because I never had period cramps growing up and I thought I had felt the cramping from implantation, but he didn't believe me because he didn't think I'd get pregnant the first time we tried. He was so shocked and we were both so happy & excited! 

I texted my sister the day I took the pregnancy test with a picture that said can't wait to meet you Aunt Kel because I had already known she was pregnant and that we were due a week apart! Dream come true being pregnant the same time and due just a week apart. Never thought we'd actually get to be having babies at the same time since they were thinking they were done with kids. 

We texted the rest of our families after my 8 week ultrasound appointment with a riddle to announce to them. It was so hard keeping it from them but we wanted to make sure the baby was still in fact growing! 

^8 weeks 
^10 week ultrasound. I had been having some red bleeding around 8-9 weeks so the doctor wanted another ultrasound to make sure everything was still okay. Everything was great and he said it was just from an inflamed cervix since I was a first time mom and not to worry about it thankfully. 

pregnancy announcement to friends at 12 weeks 

 ^In DC for our gender reveal party! Finding out it's A GIRL! So much fun. 

 15 weeks 
^had so much fun shopping after finding out gender!
 19 weeks in Greece!! 
 ^20 week anatomy scan--I remember feeling so nervous for this because I just wanted so badly for her to be healthy and growing properly, especially because of all the things I have seen in the NICU. 

20 weeks

^ 21 weeks in Raleigh with Kaci and Levi at 5 weeks old and my sister 22 weeks pregnant with twins! Honestly nothing better than having these babies so close together in age. 4 Savage babies born in 2017! 
 ^My momma is the best. She brought 50+ outfits, books, and stuffed animals in her suitcase to NC for me. Not to mention all the other outfits and items she bought for my sweet girl. Reagan doesn't even know how lucky she is to have her as a grandma. 
 22 weeks
 23 weeks--loving feeling her moving all the time and finally popping out a little belly! 
25 weeks headed to work to take care of sick tiny babies!
 28 weeks 
 ^29 weeks--so thankful I was able to work out and stay healthy the whole pregnancy
^ 30 weeks 
31 weeks-- my sweet coworker/preceptor threw me the cutest baby shower with the travel theme I was going to use in the nursery. So thankful for her and all my coworkers showering me and Reagan with so much love! 

 coworkers all pregnant with girls with due dates in October! 

^33 weeks at one of his favorite places on Earth- Cape Cod 
^34 weeks 

 ^36 week growth ultrasound--estimated her about 5 1/2 pounds--not the best pics but already knew she had Andrew's lips when I saw this pic and was so excited!! 

 Organizing her room at 37 weeks since we were all moved in to our new apartment now! 

 ^bows on bows on bows!! I inherited all of my niece Natalie's bows and also belong to a bow subscription where 3 bows get shipped to my house every month 😂 Andrew is such a trooper haha when he saw all these he asked when we could cancel it lol 

 ^cutest daddy to be practicing how to use the Moby wrap with Paddington bear haha 

^38 weeks. Grateful for a healthy body & constantly in awe of the female body--growing and birthing a human! 
^38 week dr appt- getting so close!

Here's to hoping all my pregnancies are this good!! Thanks for going easy on me the first time around, Reagan!